Reducing On-the-job Injuries with Modern Tools

Much progress has been made in the field of ergonomic design to help office workers reduce fatigue and injuries. Chairs, computer monitors, keyboards, mice, and even telephones have been redesigned to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and vision problems.

But what about the construction industry?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the most common injuries in construction occur from on-the-job duties that push the human body beyond its natural limits. Workers who lift, stoop, kneel, twist, grip, stretch, reach overhead, or work in awkward positions are at risk of developing a work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD). These disorders include back problems, carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis, rotator cuff tears, sprains, and strains.

Bureau of Labor Statistics report published in November 2016 (latest numbers available), found that the private construction industry reported nearly 80,000 non-fatal injury cases in 2015, resulting in workers spending an average of 13 days off the job. Additionally, 35 construction workers out of every 10,000 experienced a WMSD incident.

Contributing Factors in Construction Injuries

Construction workers typically spend a lot of time gripping tools or materials with one or both hands, which can put stress on hands, wrists, elbows, and/or shoulders, causing discomfort and pain. Eventually, workers can develop serious muscle or joint injuries, reducing the ability to use their hands and wrists and sometimes resulting in permanent disability.

So, what’s the answer? Obviously, hand-intensive work can’t be eliminated from construction, but it is possible to change how it’s done so the work is easier on employees, and solutions that reduce the level of stress on hands, wrists, and arms are available. As a bonus, many of the solutions also eliminate other potential safety hazards and increase productivity.

General solutions for doing hand-intensive work with less risk of injury include:

  • Change materials or work processes. One of the most effective solutions is to use materials, building components, or work methods that are less labor-intensive. For example, use lock nuts or button nuts on all-thread systems to reduce repeated hand-arm twisting and turning.
  • Change tools and/or equipment. If the work requires frequent intensive hand activity, power tools should be substituted for manual tools. This will reduce the amount of hand force needed and the number of repeated movements, especially twisting motions.
  • Use ergonomically improved tools. Select a tool that comes with a power grip, or add a power grip to existing tools; wrap narrow tool handles in compressible foam, for example, to improve grip. When possible, choose power tools with large triggers that can be operated with multiple fingers so stress on a single finger is reduced.
  • Choose the right tool for the job. Awkward wrist positions can lead to repetitive strain injuries and reduce your grip strength. Snips and other tools are available with features such as offset handles that can help keep the wrist straight on some types of jobs.

The Center for Construction Research and Training’s Choose Hand Safety website provides a database that can help construction workers understand what to look for when selecting hand tools. The bottom line, however, is always that you can prevent injuries by using the right tool for the task being performed and choosing hand tools that are the best fit for your hands.